Friday, December 11, 2009

the silence

i could really love you, full-force - everything on the table - if you would let me

this relationship doesn't have to be the painful, unstable, unclear one that it is right now. all the doubt i have doesnt have to be there

tell me if i'm wrong but i can see in your eyes and i can feel from your touch that i'm a significant person in your life.if you would open yourself up and speak from your heart, then my wall would go down too.

this relationship is stuck because i can never tell how you feel about me. i can never make a sound judgment about where i stand in your heart. i'm tired of guessing, hoping, and depending on my own instincts. my instincts tell me that we should be together but your silence makes me doubt my confidence. the silence speaks for itself -- am i wrong?

sometimes i feel like you are two people. one side is willing to show his vulnerable side and be the boyfriend that i need, and the other side tries to save face, who won't kiss me or hold my hand at a party - all for what reason? to prove what? you really are two people. i dont know if i can deal with it. there is a stark difference between the leo who holds me in his arms and the leo the frat boy -- it confuses me and pushes me away. i can't tell which one is the real one. your passion for your fraternity is almost inspiring - until i realize that you don't have the same passion for me - and then it becomes devastating.

i don't want to waste these precious years of my life on you if it's going to be this way. i am more than willing to work on this relationship and grow it to its full potential. i wouldn't have let you back in if i wasn't. but i'm also willing to walk away from this if the silence if going to continue.


  1. so... what now?

    talk about it when you get back. don't let it ruin your trip. just live it up. make memories that you'll still look back on 5 years from now when 'this shit' has moved along.

  2. I stumbled on your blog and I realized that this particular post was written almost a year ago. How are you today? I hope you've rearranged your life and realize that you can't look toward others to make and keep us happy. I dated someone for many years, he too was a leo and he too had two faces. He couldn't figure out who he was (or still is) but I know exactly who I am and that was enough reason to let it all go. Don't stop writing. You write beautifully.

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